When you are about to make an investment decision, you definitely look for one of the important financial indicators of the particular company. Before buying stock it is necessary to analyze the inner strength of the company rather than investing blindly. So, there is an important and most widely used financial indicator called EPS that helps individual investors to analyze the stock.
What is an EPS?
Earnings Per Share is popularly known as EPS in short. It is the earning of stock by one unit of share. EPS is expressed in terms of amount. EPS of the individual stock shows the strength of the company in a particular period of time. You can check the earnings per share of stock from their financial reports. A smart investor always picks up the stock with higher EPS. But always compare the EPS of one company with another company within the same industry.
EPS of development Banks in Nepal
Following are the EPS of development banks in Nepal as per the financial report of the fiscal year 78/79 unaudited report. It is important to remember that the EPS of any company keeps changing from quarter to quarter, so, you have to compare the report from different periods. All the EPS reports are compiled from their respective sources.
EPS are Based on Unaudited Q4 Report (FY 2078/79)
Banks | EPS |
Muktinath Bikas Bank | 24.22 |
Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank | 23.73 |
Garima Bikas Bank | 23.07 |
Lumbini Bikas Bank | 20.57 |
Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank | 20.08 |
Sangrila Dev. Bank | 19.79 |
Shine Resunga | 17.07 |
Miteri Dev. Bank | 17.01 |
Jyoti Bikas Bank | 16.44 |
Sindhu Bikas Bank | 12.22 |
Excel Dev. Bank | 9.12 |
Green Dev. Bank | 4.66 |
Corporate Dev. Bank | 2.15 |
Saptakoshi Dev. Bank | 2 |
Narayani Dev. Bank | -6.01 |
Karnali Dev. Bank | -7.54 |
Disclaimer – All information published and disseminated on the site for information and educational purposes to enable the users to make prudent financial decisions. We do not recommend buy and sell decisions. We are not financial advisors. We are not liable for any loss of capital of readers for the action made, based on our information.
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- EPS of Commercial Banks in Nepal
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