Like other industries, we have to check for the various financial ratios of the company before investing. There are various factors that have to screen before making a final decision. Fundamental analysis is key for long terms investors. Among many financial ratios to check, there is an important ratio called earnings per share of the company. An investor gets a bit of sense about the company based on the EPS record. So, in this article, we have updated the latest EPS of hydropower companies in Nepal.
What is EPS?
Earnings Per Share (EPS) is the amount of learning by a single unit of share. It is calculated by a company’s net profit divided by the number of total shares. EPS indicates how much money a company makes for each share of its stock and is a widely used metric for estimating corporate value.
EPS of Hydropower Companies in Nepal
This data is based on the unaudited report of Q4FY78/79. You can search for a specific company, and sort in ascending and descending order. Click in the NEXT to see the next page.
Hydropower | Symbol | EPS |
Ridi Power | RIDI | 49.21 |
Mounten Energy Nepal | MEN | 31.05 |
Ruru Jalavidyut | RURU | 20.76 |
Sahas Urja | SAHAS | 20.44 |
Sanima Mai Hydro | SHPC | 17.5 |
Panchthar Power | PPCL | 16.74 |
Arun Kabeli Power | AKPL | 13.45 |
Bindhyabasini Hydro | BHDC | 12.62 |
United Idi Mardi & HB Hydro | UMRH | 12.29 |
Kalika Power | KPCL | 11.72 |
Mountain Hydro | MHNL | 11.58 |
Chilime Hydro | CHCL | 11.37 |
Ngadi Group Power | NGPL | 10.77 |
Nepal Hydro Developers | NHDL | 10.32 |
Butwal Power | BPCL | 8.13 |
Synergy Power | SPDL | 6.2 |
Arun Valley Hydro | AHPC | 5.2 |
Mailung Khola Janvidyut | MKJC | 4.51 |
Union Hydropower | UNHPL | 4 |
Api Power | API | 3.67 |
Radhi Bidhyut | RADHI | 3.19 |
Ankhu Khola Jalvidhyut | AKJCL | 3.1 |
Khanikhola Hydro | KKHC | 1.37 |
United Modi Hydropower | UMHL | 1.28 |
NYADI Hydropower | NYADI | 0.91 |
Barun Hydropower | BARUN | 0.66 |
Universal Power | UPCL | 0.65 |
Dordi Khola Jalvidhyut | DORDI | 0.03 |
Greenlife Hydropower | GLH | 0 |
Himalayan Power | HPPL | 0 |
Mandakini Hydropower | MHL | 0 |
Swet Ganga Hydro | SGHC | 0 |
Upper Solu Hydroelectric | USHEC | 0 |
Balephi Hydropower | BHL | -0.01 |
Madhye Bhotekoshi | MBJC | -0.26 |
Rasuwagadhi Hydropower | RHPL | -0.85 |
Joshi Hydropower | JOSHI | -0.96 |
National Hydropower | NHPC | -1.06 |
Terhathum Power | TPC | -1.11 |
River Falls Power | RFPL | -1.13 |
Sanjen Jalavihtyur | SJCL | -1.21 |
Himalayan Urja Bikas | HURJA | -1.87 |
Liberty Energy | LEC | -1.9 |
Panchakanya Mai Hydro | PMHPL | -3.42 |
Singati Hydro Energy | SHEL | -3.63 |
Dibyashwori Hydro | DHPL | -4.44 |
Himal Dolakha Hydro | HDHPC | -5.4 |
Ghamemdi Hydrop | GHL | -6.55 |
Chhyandi Hydro | CHL | -8.77 |
Sampling Power | SPC | -14.49 |
Upper Tamakoshi | UPPER | -15.65 |
Shiva Shree Hydro | SSHL | -24.63 |
Which Hydropower Has Highest EPS in Nepal?
According to the Q4 financial report for the fiscal year 2078/79, RIDI Power Company has the highest EPS with Rs. 49.21. RIDI is followed by Mountain Energy Nepal (MEN) with Rs. 31.05. For this particular period, Shiva Shree Hydropower has the lowest EPS Rs. -24.63.
Disclaimer – All information published and disseminated on the site for information and educational purposes to enable the users to make prudent financial decisions. We do not recommend buy and sell decisions. We are not financial advisors. We are not liable for any loss of capital of readers for the action made, based on our information.
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