What is Opening Price Range of Nesdo Samridha Laghubitta

opening price range of nesdo samridha laghubitta

What is Opening Price Range of Nesdo Samridha Laghubitta?

The opening price range of Nesdo Samridha Laghibitta  is 260.84 – 782.52 as per the financial report of company. The net worth per share of the company as per the FY 2076/77 is 260.84. You can follow the following report from the prospectus.

net worth per share of nesdo samridha laghubitta

How opening price range is determined?

Nepal stock exchange (NEPSE) determined the opening price range of new stock based on the book value of company. For example, if book value of the company’s latest audited report is 100 then the opening price range will be 100 – 300. The minimum price should be same as book value and maximum price will be book value x 3.

When will Nesdo Samridha Laghubitta be Listed in Nepse?

Generally, it takes up to 3 weeks to list stock in NEPSE. But it all depends upon the internal preparation of company and NEPSE.

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